Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Pirate101 Updated: That was Quick!

So the updates that they announced as being on the test realm only a few days ago, are already live and implemented to the game!  At first glance, it seems the same.  Glad that the Cool Ranch buffaloon changes are live, since I am working through that zone and do like completing sidequests every now and again!  Complete list of changes is below:


  • Adjusted the hit points of both monsters and companions in the higher levels.
  • Increased running speed of many units in combat to decrease waiting time.
  • Corrected how players join in combat when teleporting to a friend already in combat on a ship.
  • Fixed a few buff spells that will increase the chance for causing a critical hit (Shadowdance and Grand Shadowdance for Swashbucklers and Discipline for Privateers).
  • Changed the rules for late arrivals to combat! The goal was to make players joining a multiplayer combat less painful for the person already in combat.
    • Combat occurs as it would normally if a player arrives in combat on the first round. Players will appear on the left side of screen with their companions and multiple creatures will appear on the right side as expected.
    • After round 1 the following new rules apply:
      • Late arriving players appear alone with no companions.
      • Late arriving players appear on the enemy side of the combat.
      • Only one new enemy per late arriving player will be added to the battleboard.
      • The new enemy will be located near the late arriving player.
      • The new enemy will begin the combat with focused attention on the late arriving player.


  • Adjusted the “Miner Difficulties” quest to require the correct quests be completed before it becomes available.
  • Made a few updates to Buffaloons:
    • Fixed the quest “If I was a Rich Rooster” so the Buffaloons now correctly drop their hides.
    • The White Buffaloons have mysteriously departed and in their stead come the striped Bumbaloons! They can now only be found in the Big Sky Skyway. The spiral is sure to be buzzzzzing about these creatures!
    • Further adjusted the drop rate of "Bumbaloon" meat for the quest “Hungry Like the Wolf,” and made changes to the difficulty of defeating the associated buffaloons that join in combat.
  • Fixed the missing sigil for the “Zhayu Keepers” quest.
  • Fixed the quest “The Things They Parried” so it can no longer be broken by exiting the room before completing the combat.
  • Ensured Tonka now appears where expected during the quest “True Love Triumphs.”
  • Fixed the faction issue that was causing players to be incorrectly blocked from fighting Archer for the quest “The Mooshu Falcon.” Players will now be able to engage Archer even if they are friendly with the Scurvy Dog faction.
  • Ensured Captain Raleigh will properly spawn for the quest “The Fourth Card.”


  • Set the pet renaming costs to 500 gold.
  • Fixed several gold farming exploits.
  • Changed the Goronado companion so he will now promote correctly.
  • Expired rental mounts will now be properly removed from players’ inventories.
  • Made multiple crash/stability fixes to improve gameplay.
  • Created a new gift icon which will appear next to the health globe when a player has a gift awaiting redemption.
  • Made minor adjustments to some spelling in game and corrected a few incorrect voiceovers.
  • Adjusted the size of some larger companions so they now appear smaller when following the player in the world, which corrects a few camera issues. These units will be full-sized in combat.
  • Raised the number of players that can visit a house at one time.
  • Disallowed repeatedly clicking on the dialog box for purchasing a Premium Area.

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