Thursday, January 24, 2013

Connect the DoTs Sells Out!

In order to offset the costs involved in maintaining a website, I have gotten a sponsor for the website/podcasts:!  In looking at all the options available to me, putting the Amazon banner up and letting people click through to buy what they would have bought anyway seemed much better than asking people to join some trial program or plastering intrusive ads all over the site.

Basically, if you like the show/blog, the next time you want to buy something on Amazon, visit, click on the Amazon banner, buy what you were going to buy anyway, and the show gets a small cut of that.  It's a win/win situation: we get the funds we need to keep the show going, you get a great show and have to expend only a minimal amount of effort to show us your support.

Thank you to everyone who has visited our site and listened to the podcasts!  This whole experiment is going along much better than I could have hoped and I'd like to keep it up for as long as I can!

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